Nicotine replacement patches? Gom? Pills? There are many products for smoking cessation in the market that can be selected. So why should you consider hypnosis?
1. Hypnosis is a process, not a "product".
Hypnosis permanently change attitudes about smoking. Its power comes from the desire to not smoke. Hypnosis literally "turn off" all thought smoking. Patches and gum - to the use of this product is subconsciously saying, "It's not that I need a cigarette, so you need to replace the cigarette with the other." Can replace one habit with another.
2. Hypnosis is a safe and healthy.
Trying to eliminate toxins from your body ... so why should replace the nicotine in cigarettes is nicotine gum or patch? Nicotine is a poison?
3. Hypnosis is a fast and easy.
With hypnosis you are not smoking in one hour. Gum and patches are often months or sunday treatmene
4. Hypnosis is still.
Since hypnosis permanently change attitudes about smoking have several opportunities in the future. Are you a non-smoking. Other products from this mental change has occurred, it is a former smoker "and consciously reject the desire to smoke. Tvorba fall.If you switch to a non-smoker with hypnosis has been in the war against cigarettes. To disappear as the "enemy."
5. Hypnosis may be tax deductible. Patches and gum did not.
If the taxpayer can reduce the cost of the United States for smoking cessation programs in their taxes. Is that balanced the cost of deduction to come out? You can also use the amount of expenses you must pay for the program to exit. No amount of money paid to participate in this program to stop smoking and drugs to alleviate nicotine is the cost of medical care that has been reduced to 7.5% of adjusted gross income limitations, as a special form of deduction in 1040, A (PDF) , for the rest precipe. Not be able to keep the amount you pay for drugs that are designed to help you stop smoking is not a prescription, such as the repair or the nicotine gum.
6. Hypnosis is more effective than the patch or gum.
Hypnosis has a 70-80% chance of success and those who work for the three smokers. Because the cost of repairing tires, or those who are so big producers can boast only 50-60% chance of success.