
Enhance The Positive Expectations.

Your next staff meeting lead your team through these discussions and implementation. This activity focuses on increasing the perception of things positively. The exercise is as follows:

Join the group that they have a right to understand almost everything in a positive or negative perspective. Follow the discussion to the participants a negative correlation with the famous tragedy. As an example, we can do the tragedy of the Space Shuttle Columbia.

Create a "negative list" comes easily, and the participants about the nature of disasters. For example: death, the possible effects of radiation on Earth, devastating blow to space children and families as a result of the loss of their loved ones, etc.

To view the full-time and his team at full capacity, that the list of no more than 8-10 points.

Next ask the group to draw up a list of positive outcomes from this experience.

(Note: This is a really tough group, because it is difficult to convey optimism when it comes to personal tragedy. You can, however, some of their ideas, people began to think of another point of view).

For example, some positive results:

- The area will learn from this disaster, and a secure future flights - it saves many lives.

- The people came out of the crisis, which is good, and solidarity in our country.

- Family members remember their dead by the American heroes, and the whole story of their family proud of its commitment to space exploration.

- Focus on the tragedy of the national media is a new generation of space enthusiasts. Perhaps the child will be the largest space explorer of all time as a result.

Now, with your team to think of up to 5 additional positive results. You will be surprised by their creativity, and now renewed vision of what is possible.

Finally, in the same exercise. But this time these themes to choose your business. Here's the task:

"Visit our goal output by 15%."

After going through the negatives first (the list of only 5 points), and then go positive, and your team have a long discussion about how the 15% increase in production can be achieved. Indeed, they can have a mini-action plan.

If the group on how to increase production by 15%, so you can gently on goals, not only decreased by 15%, only 10%! But now we have a plan, 15% do not you think we use it? "

Have fun with this task! It shows people that you are a leader with vision, and that you understand the perception of power and conscience.

Hopefully it will also show that your team has a good sense of humor and that you are interested in their problems. This measure allows the perfect opportunity to "connect" with their employees.

Show your team that it was good to play and the growing expectations.

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