
Why Positive Thinking is Not Working.

Here was something I have to work that is fully aware that the tendency to focus on the negative things that constantly says that "I think more positive."

It has been said that a sense of desperation that I just found out that not only they do not feel positive, they will probably go even further into negative thinking. The fact that they are constantly trying to save the "positive thinking" was a sign that it will ultimately backfire.

And many of us are in the positive thinking is very narrow and ultimately ineffective. Persist will be positive, leading often to ignore our true feelings. Rather than admit that we do not always feel welcome and learn to transform and rotate your feelings, and often ends up with them ourselves whole.

Law of Attraction, as defined by Abraham Hicks says: "for themselves what your attention and energy, or want, or undesirable.

One reason that positive thinking does not work is that our attention is the wrong place. So we say: "I do not want to be sick, and we believe that this idea will not allow ourselves to be poor. So where are our goals? It is bad! Since the universe does not recognize" no "or" No ". How often have you said to yourself not to forget and something happens? Unfortunately, you forgot!

Another reason why positive thinking does not work is that we are often blurred by our negative feelings with positive surface. So we say: 'I want a relationship of love. " Sounds good, right? Apart from that it is the hidden message of love is not the problem - if you have one or more of the following non-love relationship.

The hidden message and negative impression of him that still comes through. Finally, you have nothing against the press and even la construcción. You can read more love less relationship, even if you feel you have something else.

How can you perform this procedure? Instead of relying on their thoughts to focus on their feelings about a particular situation or what you would like to see that the situation is. Start to visualize and think about what you really want. Focus on ramps, a good, positive, energetic feelings about what you want and not the idea.

In practice this can be done by building a "Development Box" pictures, ideas, comments, your imagination as you want, what is required. Satisfaction with life, the fullness of what has already met with gratitude journal, and a sense of worth as a person really is, and send your good feelings about what you want.

In fact, not a positive thinker feels that a positive - it's much more visceral and real. Living your life, even if you already have what you want and you will come to you.

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